Black/Ethnic Skin Specialist near Liverpool
Ethnic Skin Specialist near Liverpool-
Treating pigmentation in Ethnic skin
Ethnic Skin has several unique characteristics meaning unique treatment is required by a knowledgeable professional. It contains a higher number of larger melanocytes (melanin containing cells). Most skin conditions occur across every race and ethnic skin type, at Beyond Skin we understand there are some skin issues that are more common or severe if you’re Black or Asian.
Melanin absorbs and scatters UV light, meaning darker skin is less likely to be damaged by the sun, less prone to the signs of early ageing and less prone to skin cancer.
On the other hand, black skin is much more likely to experience pigmentation issues, even from minor troubles such as big bites, cuts, scrapes, small burns and even eczema. For example, hyper-pigmentation can occur after laser surgery, dermabrasion and even anti-wrinkle injections.
Hyperpigmentation (dark spots) and hypopigmentation (light-coloured patches) can be common problems for black and brown skin, even minor troubles such as big bites, cuts, scrapes, small burns and even eczema can result in hyperpigmentation and scarring. As an example, hyper-pigmentation can occur after laser surgery, dermabrasion and even anti wrinkle injections for those who aren’t seen by a knowledgable skin of colour specialist.
Another condition that needs even more care in darker skin tones is acne. Acne scarring is often combined with post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation – so as ethnic skin is more prone to pigmentation problems and tailored treatment is essential.
Our aesthetic practitioner has a wealth of expertise in treating these conditions to help even out and brighten your complexion. At our Wirral clinic we provide skin lightening treatments without hydroquinone to treat and stabilise hyperpigmentation conditions without bleaching, and help stimulate collagen and elastin production for a natural evenly-blended skin tone
- physical stimulation produced by the needle
- Treatments carefully selected for Ethnic Skin backed by science
- micro-doses of the solution which activate a greater number of the receptors in the skin
- Controlled precise delivery

Births Department

Cardiology Department

Contact for a free consultation
0151 440 2907
Your treatment plan is designed for steady progress, with every phase promptly implemented.
Ethnic skin concerns
Two of the most common pigmentation-related concerns are post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH), causing dark spots to appear after an inflammatory event, such as eczema or acne and melasma, a condition that causes patches of brown skin and is commonly related to hormonal shifts.
Both conditions stem from an abnormal increase in the production of melanin, the pigment that darkens skin. For those who already have higher amounts of melanin in their skin, the likelyhood to develop hyperpigmentation after an inflammatory issue is much higher. It’s also more likely to stick around for a longer period of time, so anyone with skin of color—which includes those with Black, Hispanic, Asian, Pacific Islander, or Native American heritage—is more likely to see these concerns.
Hyperpigmentation Pacakge
Hyperpigmentation Pacakge X 3
Data to back the treatment

Peels for Dark Skin
Patients with darker skin phototypes are more susceptible to complications after dermatological procedures such as lasers and peels due to the higher probability to develop an inflammatory response to a physical or chemical irritation

Microneedling & Peels
Combination of microneedling and glycolic acid peels for the treatment of acne scars in dark skin
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Liverpool Ethnic Skin Specialists

People Say
I finally found someone who know how to deal with my skin tone as I've been to see others that have just made my dark spots worse